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Post My Party follows event expert and DIY maven Lynzie Kent as she helps one lucky host bring their dream DIY party to life, by guiding them through a series of handmade projects that will set their party apart from the rest!

Throwing a party in your own home can be incredibly stressful even at the best of times. We all want our parties to be memorable, special and one of a kind. To the rescue is Lynzie Kent, event planner extraordinaire and owner of the visionary brand Love by Lynzie.

Known as the queen of DIY with a knack for taking any party idea big or small and making it a dream DIY reality, Lynzie takes hosts in search of a truly unique and personalize occasion all within their own home. She transforms their ‘stuff’ while turning their wish list of must-haves into the handcrafted party of their dreams.

From a Barcelona inspired House-Warming to a Hollywood Glam Engagement Party, Lynzie will look to the space and the host’s dreams for inspiration. She’ll then work with them to DIY their way through some of the most creative and beautifully inspired party projects to create an event NO ONE will soon forget!

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Lynzie Kent

This Makeful party series follows Crafting Expert Lynzie Kent as she helps one lucky party host realize their dream DIY party. Planning the perfect party can be stressful at the best of times and everyone wants to throw a memorable, special and original event! Lynzie brings the party to life by guiding them through a series of handmade projects that will set their party apart from the rest!



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[toggle title=”EP · 1 ‘Ballerina Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b1″]Lynzie conjures up all things pink and glittery as her inspiration for a very girly, handmade 6th birthday party.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 2 ‘Engagement Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b2″]Lynzie helps a couple announce their nuptials in style by creating a handmade Hollywood Glam dinner party.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 3 ‘Book Club'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b3″] A too-small-to-host house becomes the perfect setting for Lynzie to hand craft a ‘nerdy’ book-inspired book club meeting. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 4 ‘Boys’ Sleepover'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b4″] Lynzie channels her inner tom-boy to create a hand crafted, indoor camping experience for a boy’s sleepover.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 5 ‘Housewarming Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b5″] Lynzie uses one globe trotting couple’s love of Barcelona as the inspiration for a hand crafted house warming party. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 6 ‘Girls Night In'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b6″] Lynzie creates a stunning Boho Beach Girl’s Night In, so a group of busy gal pals can kick back, reconnect and relive their carefree youth.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 7 ‘Sports Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b7″]A coed dodge ball team celebrates ALMOST winning the championship with a DIY gold medal sports party created by Lynzie.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 8 ‘Bachelorette'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b8″]Lynzie’s creates a sophisticated one of kind ALL WHITE bachelorette party for her best friend.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 9 ‘Surprise 30th Birthday'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b9″] James Bond is the inspiration for a hand crafted, “super spy” surprise 30th birthday party that Lynzie helps create with her golden eye. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 10 ‘Singles Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b10″] Lynzie digs into her single past to help create a fun and fabulous home made SINGLE’s event to remember. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 11 ‘January Blues Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b11″] The stretch between Christmas and Spring can be long, so Lynzie helps one tired host bring the tropics to family and friends. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 12 ‘Going Away Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b12″]With a stint in Louisiana on the horizon, Lynzie helps create a New Orleans style going away party for one lucky host.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”EP · 13 ‘Wine & Cheese Party'” color=”Extra-Color-1″ id=”b13″] Lynzie helps a wine expert throw the most unique wine and cheese party EVER to introduce a friend, new to the city, to her inner circle.[/toggle]


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